Leadership Practices of Jail Warden in Relation to Inmates Reformation
Leadership practices in jails and reformation of inmates.Abstract
This study aimed to determine the relationship of leadership practices of Jail Warden to the reformation of inmates in Dipolog City Jail and Dapitan City Jail in Zamboanga del Norte for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013. The study involved wardens, jail guards and the inmates from Dipolog City Jail and Dapitan City Jail. There were 237 respondents involved in the study. The results of the study revealed that oftentimes, the jail wardens organized their work from individual duties and responsibilities, to other assignments. Jail wardens were practicing right staffing patterns. Oftentimes, directing was observed by the respondent in Dapitan City but in Dipolog City, directing has been observable almost at all times. Controlling was always practiced in the city jail of Dipolog while this was often practiced in the city jail of Dapitan. Inmates have very high level of reformation according to the jail wardens, and the jail employee. There is no significant difference on the level of reformation of inmates when classified as to crimes committed. There is therefore a significant relationship between jail leadership practices and inmate reformation. The better leadership practices of jail wardens of the jail, the more reformation would there be for the inmates.
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