Level of Proficiency in English Communication of Freshmen College Students
Level of proficiency in English CommunicationAbstract
The study aimed to determine the level of proficiency in English communication among the freshmen college students of JRMSU Main Campus, Dapitan City during the second semester of School Year 2012-2013 and to produce a module in English 12- Communication Arts and Skills 2. The findings revealed that the freshmen students were similarly proficient in English communication with a of 2.69 in pronunciation; 2.67 in accentuation and 2.71 in fluency of ideas for oral communication. For written proficiency in English communication, the respondents obtained the average weighted value of 2.79 in grammatical structure; 2.90 in vocabulary and 2.95 in fluency of ideas. Further, high school graduated from, course taken, average grade in high school, SRA verbal ability and exposure to mass media influence students’ level of proficiency in both oral and written English communication. The important discovery postulates that gender relates to students’ level of proficiency in written, however, it does not influence in students’ oral communication.
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