Utilization of TI-84 Plus in Teaching Trigonometry
barriers to access, basic services, urban poor, Dipolog and Dapitan CityAbstract
This study sought to find out the students’ skills in mathematical computation using TI-84 Plus in teaching Trigonometry among SPEC 101-Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry students of the College of Education of Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Main Campus, Dapitan City during the First Semester, 2012-13. Quasi-experimental design method of research utilizing the Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Group Design was used in the study. There were 48 and 47 students utilized as subjects of the study for the experimental and control groups, respectively. A teacher–made questionnaire was used to determine the pretest and posttest performance of the students in both groups. Both the control and experimental groups have comparable skills before the implementation was conducted. However, the experimental performed significantly skillful after the intervention was given. There was a significant variation in the students’ skills in mathematical computation between the control group with the traditional method of teaching and the experimental group with the use of TI-84 Plus in teaching and learning Trigonometry. Moreover, it was found out that both the interventions, traditional method of teaching and using TI-84 Plus in Trigonometry, made improvement in the students’ skills in mathematical computation. This indicated that students performed skillfully better during the posttest than during the pretest. However, students’ skills in mathematical computation in the experimental group were greatly influenced by the TI-84 Plus used by the teachers and students in the class. This concluded that students in the experimental group performed skillfully better than their counterpart.
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