Career Work Values Among Professionals and Students of Jose Rizal Memorial State University
career, work values, professionals, studentsAbstract
This study aimed to find out the career work values of JRMSU students and professionals. Specifically, it identified the dominant career work values of the students and the dominant career work values of the professionals in terms of: service orientation, people orientation, influence, creativity, independence, excitement, career development, financial rewards, security and prestige. It also described the significant difference in career work values of students when analyzed as to: age, gender, course, place of origin, and socioeconomic status. The results of the study revealed that in general, the career work values of the students of Jose Rizal Memorial State University were slightly similar to the career work values of professionals. Similarly, the professionals and the students differed slightly in ranking as to the importance of the identified career work values. The professionals in higher education institutions who are engaged in teaching sustain the efforts and ways in the development of student career work values to ensure their place in the world of work.
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