Algebraic Algorithm for Positive-Definite Quadratic Programming Models (QPM) with Linear and Quadratic Constraints


  • Roberto Padua Liceo de Cagayan University
  • Noel Lacpao Bukidnon State University
  • Elmer Castillano Mindanao University of Science and Technology
  • Quilano Lasco Jose Rizal Memorial State University


simplex, quadratic, quadratic programming, quadrex, NP-hard AMS-2020134


The paper develops a quadrex algorithm for quadratic programming problems (n=2) under linear and quadratic constraints. The quadrex algorithm centers on the behavior of the quadratic function at the origin and performs a series of translations and orthogonal rotations to obtain the extremum of the objective function. The method works for n > 2 provided that the eigenvalues of the quadratic form part of the objective function is strictly positive or that Q is strictly positive-definite. The quadrex algorithm is the quadratic counterpart of the simplex algorithm for linear programming models (LP).


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