Identification of the Modes of Multinomial Probability Distributions with Application In Categorical Data Analysis
multinomial distribution, Dirichlet distribution, mode, modulo, sampling distributionAbstract
The mode of a probability distribution is defined as that point for which the probability density function is maximum. It is possible for a probability distribution to have more than one mode as in the case of multimodal distributions. This paper examines the location of the modes of multinomial distributions in two cases: when the probabilities pi of the multinomial distribution are equal and when they are not all equal. It is shown that the location of the modes depend on the congruence N modulo k in the case when pi = 1/k , i = 1,2,3,…k. If the probabilities can be expressed as pi = ai/bi for all i, then the location of the modes depend on the congruence Nai modulo bi. Two applications in statistical inference are provided which use the multivariate mode as basis rather than the univariate mean. Since the tests preserve the multivariate structure of the data, they are more meaningful than the traditional parametric tests employed in practice.
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