Criminology Education Among Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) in Region IX, Mindanao, Philippines: Problems and Prospects
Criminology Education, Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s), problems and prospects.Abstract
This study was undertaken to find out the existing problems and prospects among the ten (10) higher education institutions offering Criminology Education in Region IX during the School Year 2005-2006. A descriptive-survey method on the conditions of higher education institutions offering Criminology Education utilizing the modified questionnaire on the provisions of operation standard set by the Commission on Higher Education was used. The result of the study revealed that administrators of public and private higher education institutions offering Criminology encountered occasionaloperational problems while the faculty generally seldom encountered operational problems in all areas expect in research and publications were they both also encountered occasional problems. Problems encountered by the public and private faculty differed significantly in all areas of operation except in faculty and curriculum. However for the students, it differed significantly in all areas of operation. There was a very strong agreement among the administrators in the development prospects. Majority of the public and private HEI faculty very strongly agreed with development prospects. However, there was a strong agreement found in prospects for research and publications.
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