Biodiversity and Utilization Status of Gastropods in the Seagrass Beds of Pit-os Fish Coral Sanctuary and its Adjacent Gleaning Grounds in Murcielagos Bay
gastropods, gleaning, sanctuary, spillover, coastal areasAbstract
Gastropod gleaning is one of the main activities that locals living in coastal areas practice since time immemorial. This study determined the biodiversity, utilization and conservation status of gastropods in the seagrass beds of Pit-os Fish Coral Sanctuary and its adjacent gleaning grounds in Murcielagos Bay. Moreover, it evaluated the health and performance of the said MPA. Two sampling sites were identified, within MPA and its adjacent gleaning ground. In each site, 30 replicates of quadrats with 1 x 1 m² in dimension were randomly laid and the gastropods found were identified and counted. The seagrass and the overall substrate of the area was also assessed. Data showed 14 gastropod species inside and only 12 species outside the sanctuary. These species belong to eight (8) gastropod families namely; Cassidae, Cerithiidae, Conidae, Cypraeidae, Mitridae, Strombidae, Tegulidae and Turbinellidae. Diversity is low in both areas. T-test showed no significant difference with t-value of 1.19 and p-value of 0.24. However, it was clearly shown that protection on gastropods enabled a higher density on every species found inside the MPA. Mann-Whitney U test was used on abundant species and only the Conomurex luhuanus, locally known as “liswi”, exhibited the spillover effect. Most of the gastropod species found are under the status of “not evaluated” except the species from family Conidae that are all “least concern” according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In addition, this study affirms the effectiveness of MPA on some of the gastropod species evaluated but further research is needed on gastropod where initial status before protection is known and the recovery rate of gastropods is identified to understand species-specific requirements so that all species can benefit completely from MPA protection.
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