Do butterflyfish indicate coral reef health in Guimputlan Marine Sanctuary?
butterfly fish, coral reef health, MPA, Dapitan CityAbstract
The coral reef habitat strongly influences the associated organisms such as fishes, mollusks, and others. Butterflyfish (family Chaetodontidae) are marine fishes that are closely associated with the topic group as dietary specialization. Changes in preferred corals may cause obligate species to respond, and it may be reflected in their densities. However, varied consequences of habitat degradation may include switching feeding to a less favored food source. The presence or absence of butterflyfish on coral reefs can serve as an indicator of overall reef health due to their widespread prevalence. A survey in a Marine Protected Area (MPA) and adjacent fished area in Brgy. Guimputlan was conducted to determine the linear relationship between butterflyfish density and percent live hard coral cover (%LHC). Chaetodontidae abundance was surveyed using Fish Visual Census (FVC) and Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method to evaluate the benthos including the %LHC. Out of the fourteen (14) butterflyfish species in Brgy. Guimputlan, there are 3 dominant species namely, Chaetodon baronessa, Chaetodon lunulatus, and Chaetodon kleinii comprising 21.0536 % of the listed species Using Pearson Product Moment Correlation, the study revealed a significant result (r = 0.622, p =0.031) between obligate corallivore density (19.33333333 ± 12.29436925) and %LHC inside the MPA and none in the fished area. Correlation tests also yielded no significant results. This suggests that a minor loss of coral cover can result in a dramatic loss of butterflyfish abundance. Since they are extremely vulnerable to environmental and habitat disturbances, the role of marine protected areas coral reef protection and marine biodiversity conservation is of utmost importance. Comparison of overall butterflyfish density between the MPA and the adjacent fished area yielded a significant result (p = 0.019, T-value = 2.71, DF = 11). However, in comparing %LHC between the two sites, the result was not significant. This confirms that there is an MPA effect on the density of butterflyfishes in Brgy. Guimputlan.
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