bullying, public school teachers, Dapitan City, phenomenologyAbstract
Anyone can experience bullying especially students. However, it cannot discounted that teachers can also experience bullying from their students. Thus, there is a need to explore as well how teachers may have encountered bullying from their students. Using the descriptive phenomenological approach, this study aimed to explore bullying as experienced by the public secondary school teachers in a secondary school in Dapitan City, Philippines. Among the ten participants, only five participated and they had direct experience of bullying from their students. They taught Grades 7-10 students. Based on their narratives, they experienced aggressive and threats, disrespect and humiliation, and indifference from their students. Hence, even teachers as persons in authority are not exempted from the threats of bullying from their students. Their professional fulfillment and commitment were tested as they geared towards attaining normalcy and a positive classroom climate.
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