Analysis of Three Policy Options for a Mass Transport System in Small, Medium and Large-Sized Cities in the Philippines
mass transport, policy option analysis, TAPE criteriaAbstract
The study analyzes three (3) policy options for the mass transport systems of three (3) prototype cities in the Philippines representing small, medium and large cities. The policy options evaluated consisted of the Status Quo option (SQ), Government-Owned Transport option (GOT) and Private-Public Partnership (PPP). Using standard
methodologies in Policy Impact Evaluation with the Technical-Administrative-Political-Economic criterion dimensions, results revealed that for small sized cities characterized by high political resolve to implement non-traditional solutions to vehicular traffic problems but with limited economic resources, the PPP arrangement is most viable. For medium-sized cities characterized similarly with the same political passion for adopting non-traditional solutions but which are relatively prosperous, the GOT option appears tenable. Large-sized cities wishing to adopt non-traditional solutions with resources to implement such will most likely adopt a PPP approach for political and economic expediency. In all cases, the status quo option was found untenable consistent with the experiences in other countries such as those experienced in Curitiba, Brazil.
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