Emotional Episodes among Street Children (The “Rugby Boys”): Basis for Strengthening the Rehabilitation Program
rugby boys, street children, rehabilitationAbstract
This study looked into the emotional experiences of street children (the “rugby
boys”) of the twin cities of Dapitan and Dipolog Year 2009. The descriptive method of
research was used with the aid of a researcher-made questionnaire in gathering the
needed data. There were 130 rugby boy-respondents. The statistical tools employed were frequency counting, percentage ranking, mean computation, Analysis of Variance and Pearson – Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation.The study found out that most of the rugby boys in Dipolog and Dapitan Cities were at their adolescence stage. They frequently stayed in the market. Majority of the rugby boy’s family consisted of seven to nine children whose parents were mostly vendors and laborers. More than one-third of the rugby boys sniffed rugby once a day. It was also revealed in the study that there was no significant difference on the emotional experience among the rugby boys along four episodes, namely: happy, sad, angry and fear. However, there was significant relationship between age, socio-economic status and places they go to. Local government units through its social welfare division should provide rehabilitation to children dependent on solvent drugs. The Department of Social Welfare and Development should strengthen its rehabilitation program so that better benefits could be availed by those juveniles who are recommended for rehabilitation. Non- governmental organizations need to cooperate in the national thrust of government on uplifting poverty-related incidents with focus on the phenomenon of rugby-sniffing children found loose on streets
in the city.
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