Knowledge on Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters of Political Leaders in the First District of Zamboanga del Norte
Knowledge on Natural Disaster, Anthropogenic Disasters, Political leaders, First District of Zamboanga del NorteAbstract
Both emergency management and major catastrophes require a wide array of leadership competencies. Political leaders will devise policy and implement programs that will reduce the loss of life and property, protect the environment, reduce the vulnerability and improve the organizational coordination of their constituents out of harms away from natural and anthropogenic disasters. This research paper aimed to determine the profile, level of knowledge on natural and anthropogenic disasters among political leaders and to test whether age and educational attainment associate their level of knowledge on natural disasters. The descriptive survey method was used with the aid of checklist survey questionnaire. Barangay Captains and Councilors were the respondents of the study from the seven (7) municipalities including one city in the First District of Zamboanga del Norte. Results revealed that majority of the political leaders are males, 40 years old and above, attended high school educations, earnedPhp10,000 pesos and below monthly income and have stayed in their locality for more than 20 years. Further, natural disasters that are mostly experienced among political leaders are earthquake, typhoon, thunderstorm, La Niña, El Niño and floods. Furthermore, gender and educational attainment of political leaders associate on knowledge on natural disaster typhoon while, residency associates on knowledge on natural disaster El Niño. In this line, political leaders should manifest alertness and coping ability in times of crises and disasters, for constituents look up to leaders in the community who have the vision and direction that will lead to the return of normalcy after every disaster that happens. Hence, these public servants should have ample knowledge on the different disasters that might occur in their respective municipality.
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